Are you sick of your cat destroying your stuff? I was, then I got cat condo plans and built my own cat tree. Now the cats scratch on their own things and I don't have to be embarrassed by the ratty state of my furniture.
Maybe you're cat's like mine... he just lives to climb and scratch. He would scratch anything that stood still but his favorite thing was my sofa!
It looked like a full grown Lion had mistaken it for a Zebra or something. When friends would drop by I was always embarrassed to invite them to sit down because it was so bad.
And getting something new was out of the question because he'd just scratch that up too. Why spend money on something that would just get destroyed?
My vet suggested I get a cat condo for him to play on instead of my furniture. So I started shopping around and was horrified by the price pet stores were asking for cat furniture. Not only was it expensive, it was ugly and didn't seem very stable or safe to me.
Next I looked online and found some absolutely gorgeous cat trees but MAN were they expensive. One was well over $2.000! Now I love my cat but the sofa I want doesn't even cost that much. That's just more than I an afford to spend on cat furniture.
Luckily as I was surfing along online I stumbled onto some cat condo plans. This got me to thinking. Why not build my own cat tree? That would let me make it exactly the way I want it to be. I'd get to pick the color, size and shape of the kitty condo and I'd save money too.
Now I didn't embark on this lightly. I'm not exactly what you'd call handy but I do know a hammer from a screw driver and I thought "How hard can it be?"
With my cat plans in hand I was able to design and build a custom cat tower for way less than the cost of that nasty stuff in the big box pet store. In fact I was surprised at how easy the step-by-step instructions made this project. All the color photos made it simple to see what needed to be done.
Shopping for supplies was a breeze too. The included materials list was just the thing to use as a shopping list. Taking it with me to the home center let me get everything I needed in one trip. And getting them to make the big cuts at the store let it all fit easily into my tiny car. Did I mention I got some great prices because of the tips my plans gave me on where to find materials? Heck, some of the stuff was even free.
Ok... so long story short, I build my own cat tree and now my darling kitty climbs it instead of my curtains. He scratches the built in sisal scratching posts instead of my sofa! I can now have people over to my home and not worry that the state of my furniture will embarrass me to death. And I accomplished all this for a tiny fraction of what buying a cat tower would have cost me.
Do you want to know where I got my Cat Condo Plans? They were easy to find on this site that I went to that had plenty of information about how to Build Your Own Cat Tree.