Everyone loves a "Freebie" but when it comes to free cat tree plans perhaps you should reconsider. Purchasing the right set of cat tree plans will save you more money in the long run because the free ones don't have what you really need to get the job done right.
And isn't that what we really want in the end... A lovely professional looking kitty tower or playground that doesn't cost us an arm and a leg?
Free Cat Tree Plans Are Not Versatile... The right plans insure you get the piece of cat furniture you want. Instead of having to make do with what you can find for free. Buying inexpensive plans, especially modular or "mix and match" cat tree plans gives you total creative control of your diy project. Build the kitty condo you've been dreaming of instead of making do "for now" then spending more money later on what you really want.
Free Cat Tree Plans Have No or Incomplete Materials Lists... The complete materials list that comes with your cat tree plans will save you tons of money because you'll get exactly what you need and nothing extra. No waste, means less money spent. PLUS... knowing all the things you need to complete your project before you head to the store means you get everything you need in one trip. Less gas spent and less time in the car or shopping, saves you even more.
Free Cat Tree Plans Have No Cut Out Diagram... A complete and accurate cut out diagram saves you money big time because there will be no mistakes and no waste. Doing more with less always saves you money. Not messing up and needing to purchase replacement materials saves you money not to mention time and gas as well.
Free Cat Tree Plans Don't Have Step-by-Step Instructions... All too often diy wanna-bees look think they don't need instructions. They think they can make do with a sketch only to get into trouble half way thru. Sadly these folks end up with a messed up project or need to spend tons more on plans and materials to salvage their work. If they'd been smart, like the dedicated do-it-yourselfer, they'd have started with a set of plans that have excellent step-by-step instructions. That way they won't get confused at any point and will create a kitty jungle gym their cats will love and that they can be proud of.
Free Plans Don't Have Dozens of Photos... It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Nothing could be truer when you want to build your own cat tree. Actually seeing what you are supposed to do before you have to do it makes assembling your cat condo tree a breeze.
So, as you can see, to guarantee professional results (or even acceptable results) from you diy cat furniture project, you owe it to yourself, your family and your cats, to get and USE cat tree plans. Doing so will will save you aggravation, time and most of all money!